Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Time is so fast. After two months of calvary, third grading period is now finally done. We only have three months to enjoy our high school life. I wish I could stop time or slower the time to longer my stay here in school. I am quite dramatic and emotional for this.
      There are such things that I will never forget especially during our third quarter. It gives me a lot of memories to be kept and treasured.
      During this quarter, there are so many disturbances in our classes. First is our pinning of ranks. We consumed much time just to prepare for this event. We were excused in our classes but badly, we were worried for the lessons we must took before the exams.
      Moreover, City meet was held on our school for the opening program. As one of the athletes, I need to balance my academic and extra-curricular activities. Before City meet, we undergo hard practices and trainings. That time, I was thinking about my responsibilities about my studies. I don’t want to become one of the lowest scores in the exam even though there’s a consequence that as an athlete, our grades must be retained. I don’t want my grades to be retained in fact I am trying to show to my parents that I can handle duties and responsibilities without affecting my grades. I tried to convince and requested my classmates to photocopy their notes regarding to those lessons that I had miss.

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