Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Time is so fast. After two months of calvary, third grading period is now finally done. We only have three months to enjoy our high school life. I wish I could stop time or slower the time to longer my stay here in school. I am quite dramatic and emotional for this.
      There are such things that I will never forget especially during our third quarter. It gives me a lot of memories to be kept and treasured.
      During this quarter, there are so many disturbances in our classes. First is our pinning of ranks. We consumed much time just to prepare for this event. We were excused in our classes but badly, we were worried for the lessons we must took before the exams.
      Moreover, City meet was held on our school for the opening program. As one of the athletes, I need to balance my academic and extra-curricular activities. Before City meet, we undergo hard practices and trainings. That time, I was thinking about my responsibilities about my studies. I don’t want to become one of the lowest scores in the exam even though there’s a consequence that as an athlete, our grades must be retained. I don’t want my grades to be retained in fact I am trying to show to my parents that I can handle duties and responsibilities without affecting my grades. I tried to convince and requested my classmates to photocopy their notes regarding to those lessons that I had miss.


 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- HAPPY NEW YEAR! Everyone is jumping, shouting and making noise. Boom! Boom! Boom! Every houses has own strategies to produce sounds, the loudest is great. All of us deserve to be happy because a new life for us has been arrived.
            At the start of each year, do you ever think of the 365 days, ahead? As each day comes, each week, each month, each year, there is no better time than now for you to give that extra measure of love. Have each day, a daily time to renew that commitment. More than ever before, this year can be that most opportune time to make your vow: “to give more, to love more” start doing something great and you’ll enjoy the year full of zest and energy.
            Take a stock of yourself. Ask yourself these questions: Where did I succeed? Where did I fail? What were my bright stars? Falling stars? Or twinkling stars? Where were the days greatest? The events happiest?
            Last year, there were so many events that were happened. There are the good times and also its opposite, the bad times. I already encountered failures which drag me to give up the things that I can’t hold on anymore. Likewise, there are some issues that I had encounter which made me cry, rude and even made me demoralize.
            Well, those things and events that were happened helps me to change, pushes me to motivate myself as better one this year. New Year means new opportunities to handle and to carry. Moving on, I’ll be a stronger person. To start a new chance to change the worst into best. Doing something that could enhance my skills and abilities. To become more responsible and heartfelt person.
            On my attitudes, I will not change it for the reason it is my truly background, my trademark as person. The real Precious you ever known who has a great sense of humor which makes everyone smile and laugh. I will change for what I man but not for who I am. For whom I am, you must accept me because it’s the REAL ME.


History points out that English have been used as the medium of instruction since the American regime. The function of English is for utilitarian purposes mainly in the domains of the school business industry, and the judiciary courts. It is the language of international relations for the Philippines. It continues to be the language of work ship. It is maintained as the language of wider communication, of trade, as well as entertainment, and as the language of instruction at all levels for Science, Technology and Mathematics as provided in the bilingual policy.
Well there is a theory which is concerned with an ideal speaker-listener in a completely homogeneous group who knows his language perfectly and is affected by grammatically irrelevant conditions like memory limitations, distraction, shift of attention and interest and errors in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance. One must consider the interaction of various factors for which underlying competence and performance. Competence refers to the speaker-hearer’s knowledge of his language, whereas performance is the actual use of the language in concrete situations.
Moreover, the essential property of the language provides the means for expressing indefinitely many thoughts and reacting appropriately in an indefinite range of new situations. The grammar of a particular language is to be supplemented be a universal grammar that can accommodate the creative aspect of language use. A grammar is a device generating the sentences of a language. Thus, if a student understands the grammar of a language, he can construct grammatically correct sentences in that language.
Lastly, we must exercise our selves of using English language. This could help us to boost up or minds. Examine you grammar so that it would be 


 “We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” It is just a simple but a meaningful song you could hear from a group of children or even the old ones carolling outside our houses. At the month of November, we are already alarmed that Christmas is now getting closer.
   Christmas is usually celebrated every 25th of December. On this day, expensive gifts are exchanged. It is a great and memorable day for the family. But, what is the essence of Christmas?
   Christmas is a day for loving. Loving means sharing. It is also the day that we must observe peace and unity with the ones whom we made mistakes. Those arguments must be thrown and trash.
    For the gifts we give, it is not necessary that we spend a big amount of money. Instead, give as soon as it is given all by your heart with love and prayers. Likewise, we don’t need to prepare much food to eat during NOCHE BUENA as long as there is the family intact, kneeling and praying together for all the blessings which the Great Creator had been given.
   Christmas day should not only be celebrated once a year. The essence of this day should be practiced every day, now and forever. Let us make everyday a Christmas Day. J


   Life is but an unfair and discriminate boat that we ride on. For some it is easy being on top and having all the pleasures in life but what about those at the lower base?
            People tend to discriminate especially when there are certain abnormalities and deficiencies that a person has. It is inevitable that certain people have these due maybe to an instance or occurrence of accidents or maybe it is inborn. Sometimes these people hate their life and blame God and their parents and have that tendency to end their lives. Also, there is somewhat also an evident inequality that happens in life, the rich get well fed and well fattened having every pleasure that money can afford, having homes higher than Everest and mansions made of solid gold while the poor helplessly stare on the misfortunes that they have.
              Equality? For me it is having that same treatment equally and leveled. It when favoritism is absent and leveled treatment is there. Equality makes life better and happier to live with and easier especially when discrimination isn’t present. Imagine life when all people are seen as equal individuals, wouldn’t it be nicer? No one will be able to tell us what to do or what to do with our lives. No one will be able to say negative thoughts on how we look or what we wear or what is to be done for us.
             Practice and embed in ourselves the value of equality and the positive results it brings. Life is vast and infinite but, let us realize the things which is better for us and for the community.


 Can you see it? Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Are you aware that our planet is slowly dying, crying for help? Would you dare care for it?
            The earth is the one of the planets. It has its own very unique characteristics which make it special from the rest. It is the only planet in the universe that supports life. Knowing this we must be grateful and love, take care and protect our planet for it to withstand the test of time, but how?
            Well as you can see, our climate is continuously changing. There are times that the whole day is warm and sometimes rainy. Upon my research, climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years.
Now, compare the climate ten years ago from our climate today, the present. Isn’t it bad? Temperature of the atmosphere is seemingly unbearable now-a-days many people die of heat stroke. This is because of the big hole in the ozone layer which permits the ultra violet rays of the sun to easily reach the surface of the earth due to ecological imbalance. So, who would be responsible for it? Yes, we are the one. We are the one who should take the responsibilities. This can all be stopped if everybody has concern for what is happening to our environment. We have to realize that it is everyone’s responsibility to restore the only sanctuary of man, plants and animals which God has given us as inheritance. Animals can do nothing but humans can do more. Therefore let us move NOW before it is TOO LATE.