Wednesday, January 8, 2014


 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- HAPPY NEW YEAR! Everyone is jumping, shouting and making noise. Boom! Boom! Boom! Every houses has own strategies to produce sounds, the loudest is great. All of us deserve to be happy because a new life for us has been arrived.
            At the start of each year, do you ever think of the 365 days, ahead? As each day comes, each week, each month, each year, there is no better time than now for you to give that extra measure of love. Have each day, a daily time to renew that commitment. More than ever before, this year can be that most opportune time to make your vow: “to give more, to love more” start doing something great and you’ll enjoy the year full of zest and energy.
            Take a stock of yourself. Ask yourself these questions: Where did I succeed? Where did I fail? What were my bright stars? Falling stars? Or twinkling stars? Where were the days greatest? The events happiest?
            Last year, there were so many events that were happened. There are the good times and also its opposite, the bad times. I already encountered failures which drag me to give up the things that I can’t hold on anymore. Likewise, there are some issues that I had encounter which made me cry, rude and even made me demoralize.
            Well, those things and events that were happened helps me to change, pushes me to motivate myself as better one this year. New Year means new opportunities to handle and to carry. Moving on, I’ll be a stronger person. To start a new chance to change the worst into best. Doing something that could enhance my skills and abilities. To become more responsible and heartfelt person.
            On my attitudes, I will not change it for the reason it is my truly background, my trademark as person. The real Precious you ever known who has a great sense of humor which makes everyone smile and laugh. I will change for what I man but not for who I am. For whom I am, you must accept me because it’s the REAL ME.

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